These oven-"fried" chicken thighs are a perfect go-to dinner. They are budget friendly and can be turned into a compete meal served over rice, quinoa,...
This won 1st place in county fair Dairy Main Dish Recipe Contest in 1972. Passed down in the family -- it's the dish I make when I make my first dinner...
This is a wonderful recipe. This was given to our family years ago by a good friend through the Boy Scouts. My brother would eat it all if he was allowed...
This recipe does wonders for pork ribs. My mother made it when I was a child, and now I make it for my family. This recipe is very rich but very filling....
A yummy Cajun dish. Chicken, sausage, onion and celery with a seasoning including cayenne pepper and garlic. And of course, what Cajun dish would be complete...
This great summer recipe was given to me by a friend years ago. You can put any vegetables you want on the skewers. Don't be worried when you see the light...
We adore Australian or New Zealand lamb, which has more flavor than the blander US lamb. So I was happy to have been given this simple recipe using a Crock-Pot®....
Ditch the deep fryer for these low-fat crispy chicken tenders that are baked in the oven. Accompanied with the healthy yogurt-based roasted red pepper...
Chili and cornbread go so well together, why not bake them in the same pan! I've been making this for years and my kids love it. I use ground turkey, but...
Duck confit takes a while to prepare properly but is well worth the effort. This melt-in-your mouth duck treat will become a favorite. I buy whole ducks...
This recipe was passed to me by a friend whose husband loved Buffalo wings and baked potatoes. I made it for the first time for my crew of boys and it...
This is a simple and tasty recipe for weekdays or when friends and family come over to visit. It's a creamy chicken comfort food recipe with mushrooms...
This was the first Arabic dish I ever made and it turned out extremely delicious, a new favorite! Serve Al Kabsa with a fresh mixed cucumber, carrot, lettuce,...
This is a simple way to make a special dinner any night of the week. You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already. Serve shrimp alongside...
The combination of the marinade, spinach, onion and feta make this a delicious and impressive flank steak recipe that is always a huge hit for guests!...
I almost never order a nut-crusted entree in a restaurant, as they often feature a sugary glaze or a too-sweet nut, like pecan or macadamia. That's not...
I purchased a leg of lamb roast from the store recently but had no idea on how I'd cook it. After reading ideas here on Allrecipes, I came up with my own...
My husband (who is not a cook) developed this recipe when looking through what we had in the fridge. We love capers and my VERY picky 8-year old always...